Here are some helpful steps on how to use the website. Use the REPLY (below) or –> CONTACT US link to tell me if you are having problems or want to add info. I will gladly update the with solutions or better info.
* The website is split into sections, using the menu options on the top of the site.
* Move your mouse or finger over the menu options, above, and a lower level of menu options will expand downward.
* Click or tap your finger on one and it should open to a post or posts, under that heading.
* What is displayed is all the posts in that category, with a snippet from the posts. If you see one you want to read, click on the READ MORE button.
* Use the REPLY on any post to ask a question. I will read the reply and answer ASAP.
* If you get lost, you can always go to the website –> SITEMAP. On the sitemap, you should see every page/post on the website.
* If you find it too confusing, at any time, you can always use the –> CONTACT US, on the right, to get my help. I will answer your question as quickly as I can.
Please visit this link to learn about TNR solutions: –> What Is TNR
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